Rockledge Elementary School Agenda & Minutes - Advisory Council

Vision: Confident Learners, Quality Instruction

Mission: We will support every student's learning, promote community involvement, and celebrate achievement


October 14, 2021




Café/ Zoom


Mrs. Steptoe-Coleman

Note Taker:

Ms. Villalobos

Norm / Timekeeper:


Heather Oden (teacher); Sarah Trevino (parent); Maricelis Pimentel (teacher); Beth Wiesner (teacher); Jade Penn (parent); Rami Lajin (parent); Rhonda Pelletier (teacher); Katie Villalobos (teacher); several families via Zoom

Council Norms:

*Always arrive on-time and prepared

*Assume positive intentions

*Start each meeting with an overview of the previous meeting

*Share celebrations and achievements at each meeting

Agenda Focus:


Establish Norms

Budget Updates

Continuous Improvement Plan Goals

Topics of Interest for the Year

Parent Questions

Advisory Annual Calendar

Meeting Notes:

Norms Planning

-Discussed and established the meeting norms above

Areas to Strengthen and Preserve

Things to preserve:

-Involving the community (including Westminster and Lake Ridge Baptist)

-The required representative from the Superintendent's Advisory on Instruction Council gives the RKES Council a summary of each meeting during the Advisory Council meeting

-Using the Council as a means of transparency with the parents

Areas to strengthen:

-Perusing a diverse representation from the community

-Providing interpreters for meetings (virtual as an option)

-Reigniting the PEP (Parents as Educational Partners) fair to highlight the purpose of the Advisory Council and other organizations to advertise to parents who may be unfamiliar with the purpose of an Advisory Council

Budget Updates

-The budget is adjusted based on actual student numbers after September 30 (budget is based on total student numbers, ESOL numbers, and SPED numbers). RKES had 488 students versus the projected 507 students. Due to this and the number of students in Kindergarten and Second Grade, Mrs. Condie was moved from Second Grade to Kindergarten. Personnel costs (salaries and benefits) make up 95% of the budget.

-With Unfinished Learning funds, Principal Steptoe-Coleman has added a position for Fourth and Fifth Grade tutors, which remain open. There is also a Primary Autism Teacher position open.

Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)

Principal Steptoe-Coleman shared the update on the Continuous Improvement Plan:

-The Improvement Plan Committee will work throughout the year providing continuous feedback

-The CIP has two areas of focus: (1) learning and achievement for all students (work will be done through PLCs to use data to enrich and remediate instruction); (2) building a positive school climate and culture (community collaboration to review and refine Rockledge's vision and mission)

Areas of Continued Wondering

(Open Comments)

Next Meeting:

Upcoming meetings: December 2, February 3, April 17
