to Laptop and MS Office 365

Sign on to Laptop

1. Find the power button on the laptop. It may be on the left side or the top right corner of the keyboard.

2. Press the CTRL and ALT keys and hold them down while you press the Delete key once. This action unlocks the login/lock screen.

3. Sign-in with the PWCS Account username and password.
a. In the Username Field type: .\pwcsstudent
(The period and backslash need to be there.)
b. In the password field type: pwc$stud3nt
c. Press Enter
d. You will now be signed into the laptop. This may take a few minutes but wait for the applications to load. The computer is thinking.

If you receive a message, "the username or password is incorrect. Try again" make sure the Caps Lock and Num Lock keys on the keyboard are off. Try using the number keys that are located directly above the letter keys.

If you receive a message, "We can't sign you in with this credential because your domain isn't available." for the username field, verify that you are typing in the period and backlash key correctly (.\) before typing pwcsstudent. The backslash key (\) is located above the Enter key.

Connect to your Home Network

to MS 365
1. Sign-in to MS 365 at with the student's email address and password. You can find the student's email address ParentVUE at Student Info. To reset the student password, use Password Reset.

2. In MS 365, students will find the Clever in the Applications Launcher or the "waffle", (the grid of 9 dots in the top left corner). Clever includes apps such as Zoom and Canvas. Using the Clever portal, students do not need to sign-in to individual apps.