Rockledge Rules & Eggspectations

Caring Eggspectations 

-Greet everyone by name 

-Accept and respect your partners and their feelings. 

- Celebrate everyone’s achievements 

-Be a good sport 

-Include everyone in play. 

-Take turns and share 

-Hold the door for others  

-Surprise others with random acts of kindness 


Respect Eggspectations 

-Students be kind to each other. 

-When responding to any adult, answer by saying, “Yes ma’am”, “No sir”, or use their name. 

-Look at and listen to others while they are talking 

-Always say “excuse me”. 

-If asked a question respond kindly and follow up with a question. 

- Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.  

-Always say, “Thank you”  


Citizenship Eggspectations 

-We all keep Rockledge safe 

-We welcome everyone 

-Follow eggspectations with everyone, including guest teachers. 

-Use kind words to solve problems 

-Ask for help 

- Include each other 

-Treat others the way you want to be treated. 

- Walk through halls quietly and safely 

-Leave your surroundings better than you found them. 

-Take care of Rockledge, OUR school 

-Be a good role model  


 Responsibility Eggspectations 

-Follow directions quickly 

-Eagles are engaged: focus on schoolwork 

-Stand and deliver to answer questions and make comments 

-Complete assignments on time 

-Transition quickly and quietly 

-On the school bus: remain seated, feet out of the aisle, speak quietly with seatmates, follow instructions. 

-Cafeteria: remain in your seat, raise your hand for help, speak quietly to friends around you, and follow directions of café staff 

-Eagles are responsible: take care of belongings 

-Eagles are organized: put away things when finished